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Kidzania is a really good idea, and it can be found in The Dubai Mall near the Ice Rink. The basic premise is that Kidzania is a self sufficient town in which children can either buy money or make it doing work. You buy a certain amount of a fictional currency, your child gets inside and makes perfumes and crafts – which cost money – and when he runs out he goes to the courier and delivers a plastic flower to the make-up shop. He then gets paid by the courier for working and he can go make a necklace or ride a fire engine.
It’s a really good idea and if you have ten children, maybe a birthday party or something similar, you can let them go crazy while you sit in the parents lounge upstairs. Before you go though you should know a few things, and allow me to make a plea!
- The activities are governed by age. This is obviously to do with safety but it doesn’t help when one child is seven and the other is three. The older child wants to do things, the younger one isn’t allowed. Kidzania then becomes restrictive as you struggle to satisfy all of your children.
- Dining is limited. Children can make their own pizza and there is a well known fast food place inside. There is no, or wasn’t when we went, healthy option. Yes, the pizza is bread and toppings and not unhealthy per say, but it’s a popular feature so if your child is hungry now it’s not an option. This leaves you with a burger. Dining is limited, to say the least
- It’s dark. And here’s the plea.
Family activity venues of the UAE: Please let the sunlight in! We all appreciate why you don’t have clocks, and the darkness makes those coloured lights stand out even more, but we are blessed…BLESSED…with sunlight in the UAE. Kidzania is more guilty than most when it comes to darkness, it’s a really dark place and the blackness sits heavy on your shoulders.
Kidzania is a really good idea. When your child runs out of money and turns to you to get more, and you have none, the realization that the child must ‘work’ to be able to do what they want to do is almost priceless. It’s not the best activity in the UAE, but on concept alone it is a must visit attraction if you have young children.