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Sharjah Zoo is not as big as Al Ain Zoo, in fact Sharjah Zoo is smaller than most zoos you might visit. Even with small children you’re going to get around it in thirty minutes. Sharjah Zoo is found in a remote location and takes about thirty minutes to find from the edge of the main part of Sharjah. If you’re going to rent a car for the weekend you can make it a saloon or hatchback, desert driving is not required.
Sharjah zoo is home to birds, snakes, fish, glow-in-the-dark scorpions, baboons, wolves, leopards, and more. You’ll walk through the zoo moving through light and dark areas. It’s very good the first time, and stays good each time after that. The best thing about it is when it’s not crowded children can run around – it’s designed in such a way that you can stand at the entrance to an area and let them move around freely.
The compound is not based around the zoo however, it also has a natural history museum with models of dinosaurs and lots of fauna, and there’s a petting zoo with camels, goats, and more.
Tripadvisor has given it a Certificate of Excellence, it stands at 4.5 stars in terms of reviews, and it is ranked number 4 in the list of Sharjah’s attractions. We can’t add to that, if you haven’t been you should go.